Thursday, September 12, 2024

Urban Street Defense: Krav Maga

Parents...consider an investment in your personal safety and take Krav Maga. This Israeli form of self defense is a Reality Based Personal Protection System available to adults. Preview a class and listen to a testimonial in the above video. To learn more about this training and to register for an introductory session search "Combat FIT Tucson" or click here.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Military Family Session: Jan 2025

Drop in Session
Come by with your child (5 to 8 years of age) and learn about the radkids empowerment program. The session will focus on basic safety techniques to protect kids from bullies and bad strangers. Parents are invited to attend as well.

Date-time: TBA 1-3pm
Location: Crossfit
Drop in Cost: $20 DM affiliated, $25 community
Pre-register: Space is limited, please register by calling our office

Full Program:  Parents, the radkids 'awareness-prevention' course covers 8 hours of empowerment methods all used to prepare your child/ren with safety plans. Our small group classes are designed to provide more personal instruction and attention to each child attending.
Full program dates:  2025
Cost for full the program is: $65