Thursday, August 29, 2024

The escalating threat: child trafficking

 While the media and most politicians try to hide the truth...the movie "Sound of Freedom" exposes the tragedy of child/human/sex trafficking. Another great movie to watch "City of Dreams" shows how the failed administration of biden-harris-obama have made illegal entrant children part of their new slave economy. Please consider learning more about what is truly happening and  support the O.U.R. rescue group


Photo by Jill Torrance/Arizona Daily Star.
How do you talk to your kids about horrific events:
  • Don't assume that the kids don't know about it. They have already heard from friends and probably know more than you think. The reality of today's world is that news travels far and wide. Children and youth are exposed to the events as soon as they can watch TV or interact with others who are consumers of the news. Not talking about it does not protect children.
  • Be specific but brief. Let kids know that it is okay to talk about the unpleasant events. Listen to what they think and feel. By listening, you can find out if they have misunderstandings, and you can learn more about the support that they need. You do not need to explain more than they are ready to hear, but be willing to answer their questions.
  • Share your feelings. They might feel that only children are struggling. If you tell them about your feelings, you also can tell them about how you deal with the feelings. Be careful not to overwhelm them or expect them to find answers for you.
  • Help children use creative outlets like art and music to express their feelings. Children may not be comfortable or skilled with words, especially in relation to difficult situations. Using art, puppets, music, or books might help children open up about their reactions. They may want to draw pictures and then destroy them, or they could want to display them or send them to someone else.
  • Reassure and help them feel safe. Tell them that many adults are around to protect them. When tragic events occur, children may be afraid that the same will happen to them.  You can try to support them and protect them, but you can not keep all bad things from happening to children. You can always tell them that you love them, though. You can say that, no matter what happens, your love will be with them. That is realistic, and often that is all the children need to feel better.
  • Support children's concern for people they do not know. Children often are afraid not only for themselves, but also for people they do not even know. They learn that many people are getting hurt or are experiencing pain in some way. They worry about those people and their well being. In some cases they might feel less secure or cared for themselves if they see that others are hurting. It is heartwarming and satisfying to observe this level of caring in children.
  • Look for feelings beyond fear. After reassuring kids, don't stop there. Studies have shown that children also may feel sad or angry. Let them express that full range of emotions. Support the development of caring and empathy. Be careful not to encourage the kind of response given by one child: "I don't care if there's a war, as long as it doesn't affect me and my family."
  • Help children and youth find a course of action. One important way to reduce stress is to take action. Children may want to write a letter to someone about their feelings, get involved in an organization committed to preventing events like the one they are dealing with, or send money to help victims or interventionists. Let the young people help to identify the action choices.
  • Take action and get involved in something. It is not enough to let children take action by themselves. Children who know that their parents, teachers, or other significant caregivers are working to make a difference feel hope. They feel safer and more positive about the future. So do something. It will make you feel more hopeful, too.
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